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Business Innovator      Designer     Entrepreneur
Brand strategist    Opportunity finder     Outsights

My role is to identify and understand unmet human needs to inform design and strategy so businesses and brands can innovate and make a difference to impact people's lives positively.

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CV WillBrenner


Hi, my name is William Brenner - but you can call me Will. I am a passionate brand designer with over 11 years of experience, 8 of those in China. I take a human-centric approach to every project I work on, and branding, innovation, and brand strategy are some of my core skills.


Much of the inspiration for my work comes from the Paraíba Valley region, where I grew up in Brazil. Although I was born and raised there, my family has roots all around the world, but I'm more connected to the Austrian side due to my Austrian citizenship, which also deeply influences everything I do.


Both my family background and my naturally curious personality have played a big part in my decision to pursue my bachelor’s degree in graphic design abroad. I started my studies in Sao Paulo (Brazil) in 2008 but transferred to Shanghai (China) in 2010, graduating in 2011. After four incredible years of studying and working in China, I got the opportunity to go back to Brazil, where I stayed until 2018.

Hobbies & Interests

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A global citizen

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During my time back in my home country, I worked on several different projects, but the ones I am most proud of are the two successful companies I created, DesignWB and Petit Flor. If you are curious and can’t wait for us to chat, you can also learn more about those projects here on my online portfolio!


As you might notice from this brief introduction, I am always looking for ways to challenge myself and develop my skills. A creative mind and a trained eye for details, but an innovator and entrepreneur at heart not afraid to get my hands dirty and constantly evolve. I’ve learned how to appreciate creativity while focusing on simplicity and efficiency, the best of both worlds.


I continue to be passionate about brand design and consumer understanding, even after almost a decade working with it - in fact, I rediscover these fascinating disciplines with every experience. I believe it’s my duty to keep reinventing and improving myself so I can hopefully, in some way, contribute and make a difference for the better.

Brands I've worked with

Markets I have experience with














New Zealand

New Zealand

United States










The Will Brenner brand

Will Brenner Logo

While developing my own brand and visual identity, I wanted to convey my multi-disciplinary skills acquired over the experiences in different areas, industries, and cultures where I've worked on. 

​To bring this concept to life, my main inspiration was the chameleon. This animal can adapt to its environment and change its appearance according to the circumstances. It can also see in 360º, moving each eye separately and having different perspectives of the situation it's facing, enabling more informed decision-making over its next steps.

Looking at the chameleon skin texture, I've created the logo's icon. The shape was a perfect fit, as it covered my fast-adapting skills and visually resembled a beehive's pattern, illustrating my team spirit. I wanted to express a balance of traditional and contemporary, and through a clear visual contrast between its elements - light and dark colors, smooth and sharp typeface - I achieved this goal. 

Like a chameleon, I keep adapting and planning my next steps in every direction. And by updating and fine-tuning my visuals over the years, I'm able to visually express my progress in business innovation and brand strategy - my natural habitat.

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